Michelle Juarez (Mitchell)
Hello all,
Years have past but were never old! So many things have changed but still the same. I had one daughter during my senior year and since have had two other daughters now two in high school and one in college. Been married since the year I graduated. I have three college degrees. Two Associates in Legal Assistantand Computers and Bachelors in Computers. I currently work for Judge Hernandez at the Lubbock county courthouse. Still in Lubbock and hope to move closer to my family that now live in the Dallas area of course after my daughters graduate from Lubbock High school. I see the school all the time and one is in basketball so were always cheering on our Lubbock Westerners. I hope to make the reunion but of course with children and their activities you never know. Hope ya'll don't have to visit me for bad reasons at the court house but if your ever around stop by and say Hi if you remember me.