Monica Tolva (Yaney)
I feel like I'm crashing the party, as I moved from Lubbock before donning those lovely gold nylon gowns I saw in so many of your grad pix. My family whisked me off to the Chicago area after sophomore year, and I was crying the whole way.

As fate would have it, however, I met Jeff Tolva within the first month of living in the Land of Lincoln. Married for 17 years now, I can say something my parents will savor: they were right! We have two children: David (11) and Sara (9). I got my BA in Journalism from Indiana University and spent 5 years as a newspaper reporter. My love of reading drew me in another direction, however, and now I am a school librarian.

I am so grateful to have remained close friends with Holly Colt (nee Johnson) since that August 1986 day when I saw Lubbock in my rearview mirror ...

Have a wonderful time at the reunion and remember that OLD friends are the BEST friends!